My favorite Animal

My favorite Animal
A dog

Some Info About dogs

There are (estimated) 360 breeds of dogs in this world .Most dogs are friendly, active, obedient and human-friendly in nature, they are the most common animals which are kept as a pet, they are also called as the "man's best friend". I like all animals but specially dogs because they are obedient and kind. Whenever I get a chance I try to feed street dogs. If I get a chance I want to buy a papillon dog, as they are friendly, really very active, hairly, they don't shed a lot and most important they are good for first-time owners

Some of the best moments of dogs

How to train your dog(by Zak George)

How to Teach The First 7 Things To Your Dog: Sit, Leave it, Come, Leash walking, Name...)

My Inspiration

Kublai Khan

Kublai Khan, also known as the Emperor Shizu of Yuan, was the fifth khagan of the Mongol Empire, he had owned almost 5000 mastiffs (another dog breed) and also has a record of owning the most numbers of dogs no one has broken has broken his record from centuries but in this century I want to break his record and rescue and own more than 5000 dogs.

Pefeteria- A dog cafe

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